2019 IELA Congress And Partnering Event “unlocking Human Potential”


The 34th IELA Congress and 8th Partnering Event was held from June 23rd to 28th in Venice, Italy. This year, IELA has explained and explored the potential of the Human Factor. The emphasis was on moving from a product-focused to a customer-centric perspective, with discussion sessions made up of small groups and key speakers characterizing how a better understanding of the human factor could transform and impact you, your team, your company and our industry.

Elizabeth Niehaus, IELA Executive Officer explains “You ask yourself why have we chosen this direction? The answer is that the exhibition & events logistics industry is changing. The role of its leaders is to guide and promote the positive changes and developments for us all. We are being confronted by the challenge of communication, by our skill to inform our teams on how the big picture looks and where the company needs to develop. The first step is to raise awareness, then the next is to build confidence and courage in dealing with change.”

The new IELA Forum format, introduced last year, encourages free movement between flows throughout the day: THINK, BREAKFAST BRAINS and STREAM. Our aim this year is to go a step further with EXPLORE, bringing our delegates on board by imagining novel experimentation-driven perspectives and even business models that will impact all industry players. Vicki Bedi, IELA Chairman 2018-2020, highlights “Leadership development is at the core of my belief and focus at IELA. In this phase of transition we look to build leadership not only at the top but also from the bottom of the pyramid upwards. And with this in mind, exploring and building on the Human Factor is the theme at this Congress for IELA Members as they are the most important asset – Human Capital” The IELA Forum kicks off with our Keynote Speaker Mario Pecheny on Waiting in a cross-cultural and globalised world. Followed by the #THINK session, Moving From a Product-Focused to a Customer-Centric Perspective including:

Laurent Noel, from Comexposium,
Markus Metzmacher, ifm electronic gmbh
Giacomo Lucchini, UFI Operations & Services Working Group Chair
and Giovanni Bifulco, Italian Trade Agency to make us #THINK like an Organiser, like an Exhibitor, like a Venue Owner, and like a Pavilion Organiser. The session will be moderated by Florent Jarry, from AMR International Limited.

This year BREAKFAST BRAIN sessions have actively encouraged the exchange of personal experiences to gain tips and support on three topics;

Power Up Women Leadership with Elizabeth Niehaus, Digital Transformation by Luigi Bianchi, form Wexlog France, and Airline Changes/Declaration of Dangerous Goods with Daniel Mithran. Our Second Keynote Speaker, Sofia Crespi has launched the STREAM sessions, Unlocking Human Potential. Sofia has also played a leading role in one of the three
STREAM sessions:

Unleashing your Organisation’s Full Human and Creative Capacity, Sofia Crespi
Stress Management: Boost Your Resilience at Work by Maria Rosa Rocco
and Reverse Mentoring – Keeping the Boomers Engaged and Millennials Committed by Mario Pecheny. The new EXPLORATORY ZONE was playground this year, enhancing high-
quality learning via the means of experience. This newly added component to the event concept provided the platform for meaningful discussions, ultimately giving us tools and guidance on creating a positive societal impact in all areas where WE can make a difference: whether in our working environment, with our families, friends or in the community. The Human Factor has always played a major role at the IELA Partnering Event. This year’s 8th edition of our event open to non-IELA Members was not be an exception to the rule! It was the unprecedented opportunity to meet partners with whom members have only “virtually” worked until now.

The IELA Partnering Event is priceless for business in this respect. This year’s edition in Venice witnessed more than 300 delegates where intense networking session and friendly informal networking events happened successfully.


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