The 3rd edition of India Expo Shop organized by IESA (Indian Exhibition, Conferences & Events Service Providers Association) ended on a successful note on the 18th of May 2018 after providing to its participants a world of business opportunities and associations. The Expo which was co-located and concurrent with the Global Exhibition on Services by CII was opened by Shri RamnathKovind- Honorable President of India on the 15th of May 2018. It was formally inaugurated by Ms.Seema Srivastava- Executive Director, ITME India; Mr. Rajesh Bhagat- Managing Director, Worldex; Mr. Manish Gandhi- Director, ABEC; Mr. J Shankar from CII &Dr. Ashok Dhobale from IDA. After the inauguration, the VIPs took a round of the Expo with the IESA members and were highly impressed with the wide range of products and services which were showcased at the Expo. The Expo presented the latest technology, trends and innovative solutions for exhibitions, conferences and events management.

India Expo Shop 2018 showcased innovative infrastructure solutions, innovation in exhibition designs, marketing, technology, exhibitor engagement & registration. The Expo also had participants from Germany and China who believe that the Indian Market is the “NEXT BIG THING” in the Live Media Industry. The participants and members of IESA put their best foot out by presenting latest Fire & Security solutions, Experiential Event ideas- setting new standards of presentation, implementation & management for the event industry under one roof across 4 days. India Expo Shop played host to leading Events & Exhibition Organizers from across the city of Mumbai and from other parts of India. The Expo hosted over 200 key decision makers (VIPs) from various organizing companies and event management background. Each of the VIP spent substantial time interacting with the exhibitors & the IESA members in the interest of the progress of the Live Media & Events industry. The Expo received VIPs from various key event companies and exhibition organizers including: ITPO, MesseMuenchen India, Messe Frankfurt India, NuernbergMesse India, UBM India, GJEPC, PlastIndia, Plastic Vision, ITME India, India Dental Association, Famdent, Wizcraft, Percept, Essel Group, Times of India (ET Edge), CMAI, ABEC, Winmark and many more.

The Expo provided the opportunity to all its exhibitors to not only meet, interact and network with the potential and existing clients, but also served as a platform of peer-to-peer interaction, knowledge sharing and business growth. During the 4 days of the Expo, there were multiple Mutual Associations which were signed between service providers & many participants received business enquiries of over Rs. 10 lacs. The net business deals which were closed during the 4 days of the event amounts to over Rs. 2 cr. across the Show Floor. India Expo Shop along with its concurrent Global Exhibition on Services is an annual event and is the most sought event by the Service Providers and Organizers across India. The Expo has now expanded to become global by presenting global participants from China, Germany, Italy as well as Russia. The IESA team along with the support of CII promoted the event across India and globally through a strong marketing campaign which included Newspaper, Hoardings, Radio, Direct Promotion, Digital Promotion & a combined effort of all the committee members.


The Expo also presented a small conference on the 16th of May 2018 which was spear-headed by IESA Member- Mr. Sanjay Soni of Incredible Designs. The conference addressed issues including the E-Way Bill mandate for service providers

, the use of Social Media for B2B business promotion & the latest offerings from China for Indian Exhibition Infrastructure. Some of the notable speakers of the conference were: Mr. Raman Khatuwala (Legal Adviser), Mr. Julien Leomont (Serge Ferrari) &Mr.SujeetBhatacharjee from Glimpse Electronics. IESA also  hosted a gala dinner for the participants at the Sahara Star Hotel on the evening of 15th May. A special felicitation ceremony was organised during the closing moments to honour the participants who had displayed innovation and grandeur in their booth.  Deepali won an award for its unique and innovative design. India Expo Shop 2018 was the result of the strategic thinking & hard work of its key committee members- Mr. H.K Bhattad- President, IESA (RMB Event Management) &


Mr. Sunil More- Senior Vice President, IESA (Fair Act) with the support of Mr. Vinay Mittal (Deepali Designs & Exhibits Pvt. Ltd.), Mr.Surinder Singh Dara (Dara Projects Pvt. Ltd),  Mr.Dharampal Singh Malhotra (Namdhar Events & Promotions Pvt. Ltd.), Mr. Samar Majumdar (King Decorating Co. Pvt. Ltd.) and Mr.Ajit Thakkar (Jess Ideas Pvt. Ltd.) as the Vice Presidents for the North, South, Central, East & West, respectively with the support & the assistance from Mr.TarunSardana, Treasurer of the association.

Talking to Exhibition Showcase, HK Bhattad, President IESA said, “Coming to this event, the organisers can source vendors from all the regions of India. They can find regional experts here. I am extremely delighted with the response to this edition of the IESA India Expo Shop. The participants have given us a very positive feedback about this show and we will continue to strengthen our membership base from here on.”

“I am very pleased with the overall outcome of this show. What we have been able to achieve in this short span of time is extraordinary. As an association, we are growing very fast. We have been getting requests for new member sign-ins on a daily basis.

I am very happy to say that all participants are delighted with their participation here. We have spent a huge amount of money in marketing and in value-adds for our participants. Amost all the organisers sent in their teams to visit the show.  With this edition we have moved to the next phase of our growth and I am very confident that the next edition will be much more larger. We plan to conduct many activities this year across different parts of the country to give value to our members,” said Surinder Vasisht, General Secretary, IESA



Seema Srivastava, ED India ITME Society, who inaugurated the event remarked, “It is a pleasure to witness so many service associates under on roof. The role of  services cannot be undermined and at ITME we shortlist our associates very carefully. We build very strong bonds with our service associates and we believe in creating long lasting bonds with our service partners.”


Kailash Murarka, Past President AIPMA said, “I must congratulate the IESA president for pulling of this extraordinary event. I think that all the organisers must come and spend some time in this show  so that they can come to know about latest trends and best practices available in the industry.”


Tarun Sardana, Director Sardana Arts said, “We have showcased our sustainable concepts here as it is the future. The industry is growing and a event like the IESA India Expo Shop gives a good exposure to our products and services.”


Jatinder Kapur, Director NK Kapur said, “This has been the best edition of IESA India Expo Shop so far. We could meet some genuine parties who were keen to explore our offerings.”We are from Russia and we value our deep connection with India. We would like to explore greater cooperation with the Indian exhibition industry. We do have some shows in Russia where the Indian representation is quite high.  We are quite pleased to have come here and to see the vastness of the industry here, remarked an official from the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs.


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