3rd Edition of Renewable Energy Growth Forum in Colombo, Sri Lanka Held Successfully


Informa Markets in India, India’s leading B2B exhibitions organizer organized the 3rd edition of Renewable Energy Growth Forum from13-14th February 2020 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Supported by Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Construction Industry in Sri Lanka, the forum deliberated and discussed the potential of the Renewable Energy (RE) industry, policies and trends, global market overview, renewable energy opportunities in Sri Lanka, project financing and beyond.


Speaking on the 3rd edition of RE Growth Forum – Sri Lanka Chapter, Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, for Informa Markets in India said, “Sri Lanka has been one of the fastest growing economies in South Asia in recent years and has seen a sharp rise in energy use and demand over the past decade as it transitions from a predominantly rural agricultural economy to an urban economy. The increasing economic growth has also resulted in a corresponding increase in demand for energy within the country, a demand set to rise with the country’s present service and manufacturing-oriented economy. The country is steering towards a sustainable and alternate solution which is available within its boundaries through renewable energy resources. What it needs is the support and collaboration from the public and private sectors to boost the use of solar and hydropower. Against this landscape, the Renewable Energy Growth Forum provides international attendees a platform to network, develop the knowledge arena, be informed on latest trends, best practices, and innovative solutions, engage in a balance technology mix and discuss the roadmap ahead. In just our 3rd edition we have seen the visiting delegation growth by 100%. This year too, we look forward to fruitful collaborations and an unparalleled experience with our Sri Lanka Chapter.”


Over the course of 2 days, companies dealing in solar, wind & bioproducts, enterprises, banks, investors, utilities, power producers, rooftop and ground mounting solution providers, system integrators, importers and exporters, and freight forwarder among other supply chain groups and Government officials joined hands to address the demand of electricity and futuristic technologies. The conference put together two days of power-packed sessions. Day 1 discussed topics such as ‘Lighting the Future – How leaders are making a difference’ that talked about Policy and Trends, Global Market overview, Bilateral trade benefits, Opportunities in Sri Lanka and Project financing and Beyond; ‘A Bilateral partnership for Global Solutions – Mission 2020 & Beyond’ that harped about the growth of technology that has resulted in multifold opportunities through boundaries and beyond; a presentation on ‘Technology Advantage’; ‘ Financing for Development – Painting a brighter future together’ this panel session discussed the most important and integral part of the project which speaks from micro to macro levels, the deliberations touched various aspects of FINANICING foreseeing the project Development; ‘Shaping the Future: Technology Updates & Innovations’ wherein Innovators showcased new and emerging technologies and best practices to better power and manage Solar & Energy Storage project; ‘ Increasing Solar Adoption – To Go Distributed or Utility Scale? The Pros, Cons and Global Experience’ that spoke on the modalities, costs of erecting and commissioning of the distributed and utility scale projects eventually catering to the end users with projections over the years.