Japan pavilion to be four times bigger at this year’s Eco Expo Asia


Three country and region pavilions will be returning to Eco Expo Asia 2022 including the Canada, Hong Kong and Japan pavilions, the latter of which will represent its largest iteration yet. With both Hong Kong and Japan recently lifting mandatory hotel quarantine measures, the stage has been set for both regions to deepen cooperation between their respective environmental protection industries. As such, the fair is expecting increased overseas participation in terms of exhibitors and visitors this year.

Eco Expo Asia will take place from 14 – 17 December 2022 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. As in previous editions, the fair will continue to feature a wide variety of product zones and pavilions and facilitate exchange and cooperation between different industries under the eco umbrella. The Japan pavilion will grow significantly in size this year to become around four times larger than its previous edition. Representing the best of Japanese innovation, around 30 exhibitors will showcase their latest products and solutions in green transportation, resource upcycling, as well as green finance and ESG. Japan, similar to Hong Kong, has a target of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. Many of the country’s industries have thus formulated their strategies in line with government policies and objectives.

Japanese firms are particularly strong in eco-friendly products and recycling technologies. The country is ranked second in the world for recycling plastics behind only Germany, with a plastics recycling rate of over 85%. This penchant for plastics recycling will be displayed at the Japan pavilion.

Green transportation is another important area in the country’s net-zero strategy, with the government aiming to eliminate the sale of gasoline vehicles by the mid-2030s.

Japan has also been a big success in green finance in recent years, accounting for 8% of the world’s total sustainable investment assets, worth over USD 35 trillion (HKD 274 trillion). The Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry also launched a JPY 2 trillion (HKD 106 billion) fund to provide support to business-led decarbonisation initiatives over the next ten years. Mitsubishi HC Capital (Hong Kong), as part of the Japan pavilion will showcase their solutions for leasing and financing for solar panels, electric vehicles and more to help achieve carbon neutrality.

The theme of Eco Expo Asia 2022 is “Green Innovations for Carbon Neutrality”, focusing on the technological innovations that will help to decarbonise the world. As an important event for the environmental industry, Eco Expo Asia 2022 will provide a platform for showcasing innovative green products and services, learning about the latest trends and expanding business networks.

In addition to the Japan pavilion, Eco Expo Asia 2022 will feature two more pavilions representing Hong Kong and Canada. The Hong Kong pavilion will host a number of local companies and government agencies, with two new participants, the Civil Engineering and Development Department and Energizing Kowloon East. The Canada pavilion also returns, featuring Canadian companies from across multiple industry sectors. The fair will also include a variety of thematic zones ranging from green transportation to green finance and more.