UFI introduces refreshed brand identity and logo


UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, reveals a new logo and updated branding, marking UFI’s transition into its second century of existence.

For a long time after its foundation in 1925, the organisation did not use a logo. After a hiatus during the Second World War, the first visual was introduced in 1947, showing the head of Hermes, the Greek god of Trade and messenger of the gods (called Mercury by the Romans), wearing a winged helmet.

This logo was used until 2003, when UFI underwent a major repositioning. Then, the organisation’s name was changed to “UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry,” reflecting that UFI had indeed grown to be a global organisation with (back then) presences in Paris and Hong Kong. That repositioning included a new logo, depicting an abstract version of the head of Hermes.

The new logo now focuses on the wing of Hermes’ helmet as the symbol of the organisation’s legacy. The wing consists of four strands or feathers, representing the four pillars of UFI’s work for its members and the global exhibitions and events industry: Events, Research, Education, and Advocacy. Its green colour represents the sustainable and long-lasting positive impact of exhibitions for businesses, destinations, and societies as well as a perennial optimism that a greater good is achieved when people meet across borders and cultures.

The logo as well uses a modern and clean font that is optimised for use across digital channels as well as in its physical appearance.

UFI President Geoff Dickinson comments, “Our industry has changed a lot since the beginning of this century, and UFI has changed with that. As the relevant global organisation for our sector, the new logo and appearance showcase how much UFI has grown and matured. We have a different role, a bigger responsibility now, and UFI’s new identity reflects this. It suits our organisation well.”

“It is a testament to the great work done almost 25 years ago that the previous UFI appearance stood the test of time for this long and could be stretched far into this much more digital presence. But on the eve of UFI’s 100th birthday, it was time to re-think and reimagine what UFI looks like to ensure future success in an ever more digital environment”, adds Kai Hattendorf, UFI CEO.

The new branding will be rolled out across all digital platforms, event materials, and communication channels in the coming weeks. Attendees of the upcoming UFI Global Congress in Cologne, Germany, will also get a first-hand look and feel at the new branding as it debuts during the event, which will be held from 20 to 23 November 2024 at Koelnmesse – including a special commemorative giveaway.