Revolutionising The Way People Travel In India


Inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, The Global Mobility Summit, was held at Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi on 7th & 8th September, 2018. The event was organised by NITI Aayog with the vision to revolutionize transport & to find solutions to the problem of traffic congestion and pollution in the country. The event was preceded by Mobility Week.

There were over 2000 participants including representatives from various Intergovernmental Organizations, Academia, Policy Think tanks from India and abroad, Global leaders from across the mobility sector such as OEMs, Battery Manufacturers, Charging Infrastructure Providers, technology Solution Providers. Views on enhancing mobility were shared during the two days of the summit. At a press conference before the summit, CEO NITI Aayog, Amitabh Kant said “Our main aim through the Global Mobility Summit is to revolutionise the way people travel in India, along with making mobility more connected, shared and seamless.” Optimal utilisation of road space, building of national highways to support infrastructure and making connectivity easier, electric mobility, reducing vehicular pollution and creating job opportunities were some of the topics discussed. The activities organised before and during the event include:

MoveHack: the global hackathon saw around 35,000 registrations from around the globe for coding solutions to mobility problems. Mobility Week: 18 featured events organized in partnership with 25+ organizations and a collective reach of 20,000 people. Movementum 2018: Digital Exhibition showcased installations including models, screens, vehicles and more at the cutting edge of mobility technology. It also included a 360 degree immersive experience, highlighting the quantum mobility jump that India is poised for.
Panel discussions were held where Union Ministers and CEOs from the industry discussed topics like Maximising Asset Utilization, Reinventing Public Transport, etc.

In his inaugural speech to the speakers, the Prime Minister laid down 7Cs that according to him are essential for the future of mobility in India. These 7Cs are ‘Common’, ‘Connected’, ‘Convenient’, Congestion-free’, ‘Charged’, ‘Clean’ and ‘Cutting Edge’. “With disruptions in the mobility sector, we will be able to generate more employment & enhance the ease of living for citizens in India.” said Rajiv Kumar, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog.


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