Always Be A Learner: IP Wadhwa


In Conversation With IP Wadhwa, Managing Worker, Tafcon

“100% FDI in India in the mining and processing sector makes the industry more lucrative

ES. Please share with us your professional journey. What have been the major milestones and most amazing achievements and moments in your exhibition industry career?
IP Wadhwa. Being a technocrat having Senior Management experience with large Corporates like TATA, DCM groups, etc , Tafcon (including our three other founder Directors) developed large number of Technical B2B International Trade Events in India & abroad along with leading industry associations; namely Mining Equipment Minerals Metals; Constuction; Environment; Defense Energy Transport; HeatTreat;Oil&Gas; Paper; Packaging; Printing; Poultry; Dairy & Food ; Biotechnology; Health care; Instrumentation; Education; Travel & Tourism; Mineral Processing; and allied industries, etc.

Major mile stones were for many rotating Word Renowned Congresses done in India, the Concurrent Exhibitions were organised by Tafcon on unique Subjects like Poultry; Mining; Mineral Processing, etc. Amazing moments & achievements were that though all these Global Exhibitions alongside World Congresses were almost organised for the First time in India by Tafcon, all of them were rated as ‘Best ever held in the World’ and were benchmark for the other rotating countries.

ES. Please share with us the legacy of Tafcon. How did it come into existence?
IP Wadhwa. Around mid eighties, Tafcon as one of the Pioneer in private sector (with Broad based Top management with decades of experience), initially it started as Consultants & Managers to develope & organise Trade shows with leading Industry bodies like FICCI, CII, Plast India Foundation, NSIC, etc. After about three years, we developed & organised many institutionalised International B2B Trade Fairs mentioned above.

ES. How was the scenario back then?
IP Wadhwa. From B2C Melas, India started B2B subject specific International Trade Fairs.

ES. What all shows do you organise in a year?
IP Wadhwa. Presently Mining Equipment Minerals Metals; Materials Engineering Technology (Defense Energy Trasport) ; Heat Treat, etc.

ES. What have been your biggest learnings from this industry?
IP Wadhwa. Single & more reasonable Participation rates system in India.

ES. Please re-collect a crisis situation at any of your show which you and your team handled effectively at the last moment?
IP Wadhwa. NONE; except nature’s disasters-cyclones , heavy rains for Events in temporary halls( hangers), which our highly experienced team & service providers handled very well; one of the many great jobs done by them.

ES. As an expert in exhibition industry what subjects/initiatives are close to your heart which you are closely advocating?
IP Wadhwa. Firstly I am not an expert; but keep a special eye on Large number of delegations and High purchase professionals from top, middle & working level Management from India & abroad, to attend our events.

ES. What are the main activities of your business these days?
IP Wadhwa. Sustainable growth and quality upgrade of our events.

ES. Please share with us your take on this situation and its effects on the exhibition industry?
IP Wadhwa. Serious, due to Corona pendamic; but this being lean period for Exhibitions in India, some hope for later part of this financial year and most probably from next year.

ES. What do you see the roadmap ahead for the exhibition industry?
IP Wadhwa. Next financial year may be better than this year; hoping Corona gets contorted.

ES. What can be the recovery guide for tradeshows?
IP Wadhwa. Innovate for getting better quality & numbers of trade visitors, to give higher ROI to Exhibitors.

ES. What do you see as the upcoming trends? 
IP Wadhwa. Cut down on avoidable expenses.

ES. What is the silver lining of this pandemic?
IP Wadhwa. Discipline, as a way of life.

ES. What do you suggest to entrepreneurs who are facing stress in these times?
IP Wadhwa. Curtail fixed expenses , and Industry bodies to ensure getting real financial help from the Government, as is done all over the world.

ES. What is your take on virtual events?
IP Wadhwa. As was tried about 20 years back, virtual shows neither give same benefit/returns compared to F2F(face to face) Exhibitions.

ES. How confident are your exhibitors to return to show floors?
IP Wadhwa. About 85% from next financial year.

ES. What all shows of yours have been cancelled/postponed due to this crisis?
IP Wadhwa. Two Shows ( MET and HTS-details at Sl 4) r rescheduled from October 13-15,2020 to September 29-October 01,2021 at Bombay Exhibition Center, Mumbai.

ES. Your 3 takes on how to cope these times?
IP Wadhwa. 20a Be Optimistic
20b Improve Venue infrastructure
20c. Some well established Shows may get merged.

ES. What will be the future of our industry?
IP Wadhwa. Good from next year; India still needs to go a long way.

ES. How do you see travel gradually opening up and what are your suggestions in this regard?
IP Wadhwa. As it’s related to Corona globally, travel industry may face difficulties for a couple of years.