2021 Australian Tourism Exchange to Return in June as a hybrid event


Tourism Australia has announced that its Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE) event will return in June this year, as a live event in Sydney along with a virtual event component.

Set to run from 6th to 9th June at the International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney), the event will be for international buyers who are based in Australia or located in countries permitted to travel to Australia, domestic buyers and frontline travel sellers.
ATE Online will immediately follow, from 10th to 17th June, for all other international buyers who are unable to travel due to border restrictions.

Having been cancelled last year, both options will see the tourism industry again come together to exchange knowledge, and make business connections amid ongoing uncertainty around international travel and border openings.

The live event will also feature a new trade show layout, with traditional seller booths replaced with networking areas defined by state and territories, with appointments to take place throughout the trade show floor.Tourism Australia advise “as there will be more sellers than buyers attending the event, buyers will remain stationary while sellers will move between appointments.

“This change will save sellers considerable time in the lead up as well as delivering cost savings on booth design and imagery.”

Tourism Australia expects seller demand for ATE21 to be high and, as the event approaches, will evolve and adapt with the current climate while remaining true to the purpose of connecting the Australian tourism industry with domestic and international buyers through one-on-one appointments and networking opportunities.
Tourism Australia add “as we are operating in an uncertain climate, Tourism Australia is planning for all possible scenarios.”