AIPC, ICCA and UFI Announce Continuation of Successful Partnership


UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, AIPC (The International Association of Convention Centres), and ICCA (The International Congress and Convention Association) announce the continuation of their strategic G3 partnership, which has proved highly valuable to the entire business events industry and governments globally.

The strategic partnership was formed in 2019, with the aim to facilitate collaboration and generate more comprehensive and better aligned benefits for the three associations’ respective members.

The alliance launched a program of exploring exchange and reciprocity in four primary areas: educational content, research, standards and advocacy. Initial alignment happened across the respective research projects. Also, the organisations opened their respective global main events to members from all three organisations to drive exchange across industry verticals.

Beginning in 2020, the global pandemic changed the priorities – and the focus shifted towards supporting the industry with global guidance and good practice reports. This resulted in the publications of “Good Practice Guide: Addressing COVID-19 Requirements for Re-Opening Business Event”, “Good Practice Guide: Convention and Exhibition Centres as Temporary Vaccination Centres”, and the white paper “Business Events are the Fast Track to Recovery”.

These advocacy initiatives provided G3 members and policymakers across the world with resources to emphasize the value of the business events industry and their role in fast-tracking economic recovery on a global scale.

With the pandemic chapter closed, the three organisations have reviewed the previous work, and decided to continue and strengthen the collaboration. AIPC, ICCA and UFI will align along the key areas of advocacy and standards, research, professional education, and networking. By joining forces, the three global associations will increase their impact in encouraging, supporting and recognising excellence in the business events industry.

“During COVID, we demonstrated both the value and the impact our partnership has. Given the upcoming challenges for our industry, especially around sustainability, there has never been more need for collaboration like the G3 – only by working together, we will continue to grow”, said Greg O’Dell, AIPC President.

“Our industry is committed to promoting legacy, sustainability, innovation, and education. By strengthening the G3 Partnership, we are sending out a clear signal to both the global industry and the policymakers, that we are stronger when we work together. I look forward to reinforcing a successful collaboration with UFI and AIPC,” shared Marta Gomes, President of the ICCA Board.

“In an ever more challenging environment, good, constructive collaboration is the best way forward. That is why collaboration is such a core element of UFI’s genetic code. As the three global trade associations for the events sector, AIPC, ICCA, and UFI will build on the achievements since 2019, and continue to deepen the joint efforts – for the benefit of all the members of the associations, as well as for the global events industry as a whole”, says Michael Duck, UFI President.