Making the difference today in the communication, marketing, and exhibition design field is strictly related to one main goal to pursue: being the change...
Can you tell us about your journey into corporate responsibility and sustainability? What experiences have shaped your approach to sustainability in the events industry?
Tefla's has been one of India's distinctive players within the gambit of conferences, exhibitions and awards. Having catered to niche industry segments through an...
ES. How have your experiences and skills in video production and executive production shaped your approach to managing Acrux Media Creation?
Aakash Vaishya. My...
FOREVER. FASTER. is more than being quick
ES. Could you please take us through your career journey? How has your role as an international consultant...
40 Years of Commitment & Expertise for the Exhibition Industry
ES. What initially sparked your interest in this field, and how has your career evolved...
In the dynamic landscape of equipment rental businesses that power industries such as construction, events management, and industrial operations, businesses face a multitude of...