CeBIT Bids Farewell


CeBIT was an important figure in the European tech landscape, where companies exhibited their wares to a throng of buyers, journalists, and opinion leaders. At its peak, the show drew over 850,000 people, who all crowded into the Hanover Fairground exhibition center. Over time, these numbers dwindled to just 120,000.CeBIT was the largest and most internationally representative computer expo. The trade fair was held each year on the Hanover fairground, the world’s largest fairground, in Hanover, Germany. In its day, it was considered a barometer of current trends and a measure of the state of the art in information technology. It was organized by Deutsche Messe AG.

CeBIT is a German language acronym for Centrum für Büroautomation, Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation, which translates as “Center for Office Automation, Information Technology and Telecommunication”. The final CeBIT took place from June 11 to 15, 2018.“In recent years, many discussions within the German industry have involved the thematic overlap between HANNOVER MESSE and CEBIT. It is now time to integrate the topics from CEBIT that are relevant for manufacturing, energy and logistics into HANNOVER MESSE ,” said Dr. Jochen Köckler, CEO of Deutsche Messe AG. “We are currently examining the digital market to determine which remaining CEBIT topics we will develop into new events.” On November 28 2018, Deutsche Messe AG announced that due to increasingly declining visitor and exhibitioner numbers, CeBIT will be indefinitely canceled for the foreseeable future. This makes CeBIT 2018 the final event.


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