ExCeL sets new standards in venue safety with world’s first body-worn defibrillators


London’s largest event venue introduces first-of-its-kind Individual First Aid Belts (IFAB™) giving security first responders access to life saving medical equipment in seconds. ExCeL London has further enhanced the safety of its four million annual visitors by becoming the first venue in the UK to introduce lifesaving First Aid Belts worn by many of its security personnel.

The First-of-their-kind wearable belts – created by tac:life – are now worn by all First Responder Security Personnel at the London event venue and contains vital medical components, including an automated external defibrillator (AED) used to help those experiencing a cardiac arrest.

ExCeL has also installed public ‘AED Responder’ units in static locations around the 100,000s qm venue to further enhance their response times and capabilities to medical emergencies. As well as the AEDs, the kits contain a number of trauma care articles that the public and staff can use if required.

“Time is everything when dealing with a medical emergency such as a cardiac arrest,” said ExCeL’s Head of Security Henry Havis. “By introducing both the trauma care belts and the additional public trauma units it means we can greatly improve our response times and significantly increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.”

Havis, who is also Chair of the AEV Security Working Group, added: “With the lessons learnt from the tragic Manchester Arena attack together with the ethos of the potential new security legislation, it is now even more important for event venues to take proportionate steps and be ready to respond should a life-threatening incident occur.