Exhibition Showcase Talks To The Acharya Mukesh, President Namo Gange Trust, Organiser Of Yogshala


Q. Please tell us about yourself
A. I am National president Namo Gange Trust.
Namo Gange Trust is a non-profit organization formed by like-minded people with the support of dedicated devotees & committed volunteers. With the blessing of His Holiness Acharya Jagdish Ji Maharaj, Shri Vijay Sharma, Shri Awadesh Sharma, Shri Brijesh Sharma, Shri Dinesh Rathore, Shri Ravi Malla, Shri Ved Priya Pandey, Shri Rajesh Aggarwal and Shri Anoop Sharma, we jointly formed Namo Gange Trust on 30th March 2015. Namo Gange Trust is registered in Government of India’s portal ” NGO Darpan ” under the ” NITI Aayog ” (National Institution for Transforming India). Namo Gange Trust was formed with a thought that ancient Indian systems & values can benefit all mankind irrespective of their age, origin, orientation, belief and bring people out of contamination and stressful environment of modern times. Now a days, people are living complex lifestyles which are causing to lose their peace of mind and victim of health disorders.

Q. What are the highlights of the show?
A. This show is exclusively dedicated to the Indian system of medicine, alternative medicines, alternative science, complementary medicines and ancient science of healing specifically Ayush – Ayurveda, Unani, Yoga, naturopathy, homeopathy.

Q. Tell us about seminars that you have organized along side Yogshala expo
A. This exhibition includes one of most important thing which is Arogya sangoshthi. Arogya sangoshthi is a knowledge sharing platform where people are coming from various background of yoga, ayurveda and naturopathy and they are engaging in dialogue. Many of them are working in this field since many years like researchers, scientists, scholars and eminent speakers. The first day of seminar was dedicated on cancer which is one of the world’s most epidemic diseases and there is a need to focus more on this. There were more than 400 participants, 8 speakers, posture presentation and paper presentations. Seminar was very good and appreciated by the audience.

Q. Please tell us about the AYUSH industry.
A. AYUSH industry started in 2016 and that time we thought that there must be consumer of this system and that’s why we started the trade fair. Everybody talks about AYUSH but no one is ready to buy the product so there is a need to create mass awareness among people, which is why so we have come up with this exhibition. AYSUSH has remedies for some impossible diseases like cancer, life style disorders, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac problem etc. Ayush preserves the nature, health, peace, society and individual life as well.

Q. What are the challenges surrounding this sector?
A. Challenge is that we could not document our system in the beginning because India is a country where Mughal period was there, British was there so that system was out of order totally. Mughal came and they started Unani system, British came with Allopathy system but the challenges are that we need good institutions, hospitals, academicians, researchers, laboratories etc., then only we can promote the system.

Q. What all are the associations who are working in this sector?
A. First I would like to add Ministry of Ayush. Vishwa Ayurved Parishad, NASIA, NEEMA are some of the names. Industry players like DABUR, Madhavbag, Emil, Zandu etc. are also doing their bit. This time we have more than 100 stalls. I think we are going in the right path. Previously we were having only 40 stalls.

Q. What are your upcoming plans?
A. We want to make some good centers of Ayurveda, Panchkarma and yoga centre in every city. In delhi we have already established more than nine centers. And we want to move to other cities as well as countries.

Q. Does Government provide any support to private organizer who wants to organize an event for Ayush Sector?
A. So far Govt is not supporting much, they are just paying the participation charges of their booth. We hope govt. should come forward with more benefits because it is not easy to organise an event.


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