Exhibitions Think Tank Begins To Redefine The Industry


Starting 18 May, the global exhibition industry professionals begin working on a ground-breaking project – the Exhibitions Think Tank. The idea is to collaborate with the global peers and work to redefine and save our valuable industry.

“The only certainty is that our industry will be very different after this crisis,” says MBB Consulting Group’s Matthias ‘Tesi’ Baur, founder of the Exhibitions Think Tank. Tesi further disclosed that by now more than 120 global industry peers have gathered in the Think Tank which is hugely welcoming. Overall 21 working groups have been formed in the Think Tank. More important than the number is that we have a group of really open minded and visionary people brought together!


About the Think Tank
The exhibition industry is going through an extremely challenging time with
uncertainty surrounding so many aspects of business. The current crisis raises many
new challenges for us all and it’s hard to imagine just what kind of reality we will go
back to. The only certainty is that the “old” exhibition industry we all know has gone
for ever and our industry will be very different after this crisis. It is our responsibility
to define the changes needed before our customers do it for us.
It’s an incredible opportunity to join your industry peers and be part of a groundbreaking project whilst making new connections. This is unlike all other online
events; it is not a concept where you listen to a panel of speakers, because
everybody is a speaker. In four sprints we will define the areas of change through a
crowd-intelligence process and drill down in further levels from sprint-to-sprint to
define exactly what has to change, how that would work for our customers and how
the industry change can be executed.

Join our ‘Save and redefine the exhibition industry’ Think Tank, to learn and to
share your wealth of knowledge and expertise in re-defining the way forward for B2B

The Sprints
The Think Tank will follow a path of structured group sessions designed to engage all
participants in online discussion to share their expertise and ideas to arrive at solutions that address the key areas of change in the industry. Working groups will be led by Team Leaders who will guide participants through the 4 Sprints. Groups may be determined by discipline (e.g. digital, marketing, operations, region etc.). Each Sprint will include a survey and 2 online sessions plus workgroup discussions. All participants will be invited to complete the survey ahead of each Sprint, the results of which will be presented during the first of the two sessions. Survey results should inform the direction of workgroup discussion and any collaboration that takes place during the first session and workgroup sessions ahead of the second session, which is where groupwork is presented back to the entire Think Tank. The outcome of each Sprint will inform the content of the next. After Sprint 4 a report will be produced that includes the outcomes from all the Think Tank Sprints, providing a compelling and valuable document that will guide exhibition professionals on how to shape their businesses for the future.

The four Think Tank Sprints:

Sprint 1: Defining the areas of change

Sprint 2: What exactly needs to change in the defined areas?

Sprint 3: Defining new solutions for our customers

Sprint 4: How to deliver the change