Exhibition and Event Association of Australasia (EEAA) is honoured to welcome the exhibition and event industry’s peak global body to Australia next month.The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) CEO and Managing Director, Kai Hattendorf, and UFI Regional Manager for Asia/Pacific, Mark Cochrane, will be in Sydney on 18 and 19 September for a series of talks with industry and government.

The Exhibition and Event Association of Australasia (EEAA) is the peak industry association for those in the business of trade and consumer expos and events. Formed in 1992, the EEAA works to ensure industry growth by encouraging high industry standards, promoting the professionalism of EEAA members and highlighting the unique business opportunities that exist through exhibitions and their associated events. It is the business event industry most active and influential not-for-profit, member-based organisation – funded by annual membership fees and attendance at the event and the only association that is dedicated to supporting and representing the specific interests of organisers, association organisers, venues and suppliers within the exhibition and event sector.It is Mr Hattendorf’s first visit to Australia since joining UFI in late 2015 and seven years since the global association has visited this part of the world. The EEAA will manage Mr Hattendorf and Mr Cochrane’s business program over the two days, which will include an Industry Reception, meetings with government, a Young Stars & Leaders Table, and a Gold and Platinum Partner Political Insiders Round-table. EAA Chief Executive, Joyce DiMascio, said the Association was honoured to welcome two of the industry’s most respected global figures and looked forward to the opportunity to strengthen UFI’s ties with the Australasian business event community through this visit.Asia-Pacific is home to one of UFI’s three global offices and an important part of its network, Ms DiMascio said. “In the context of the current changes and challenges faced by our industry, this visit is very timely. It is our privilege to welcome Mr Hattendorf and Mr Cochrane to our country and to facilitate their engagement with our industry. “He is highly experienced with a worldview of the business events sector. These views are informed by his work at UFI and also from working in places such as Messe Frankfurt – a major international venue and industry player, responsible for organising events in around 50 countries each year. “This is a historic and an opportunity that cannot be missed as we will get hear from global leaders about trends, opportunities and challenges, how our region fits into the UFI’s global agenda and what Australia needs to do to stay competitive,” Ms DiMascio said.


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