IELA pushes the call for sustainable practices through its Association Day initiative


IELA (International Exhibition Logistics Association) – the marquee association which recognizes and lists Exhibition Logistics Service Providers worldwide recently held its 2nd edition of “Association Day” on the 7th of December 2023. As a part of this initiative, IELA ambassadors (members of IELA in different countries) contacted and collected information from Local Associations in their respective countries. For this year, the theme was the ever important: “Sustainable Practices Towards NZCE Operations”.

NZCE (Net Zero Carbon Emissions) is the need of the hour and most organisations worldwide are joining hands to fight “Carbon Emissions” and “Developing Sustainable Practices”. The Indian Exhibition Industry was aptly represented by IEIA for the Associations Day 2023. Apart from India, the following associations from around the world discussed on the theme and informed the steps being taken to tackle on the challenges of “Sustainability”:

  1. UFI, the Global Association of Exhibition Industry
  2. AUMA, Association of the German Trade Fair Industry
  3. AFECA (Asian Federation of Exhibition and Convention Associations
  4. JMIC (Joint Meetings Industry Council)
  5. EIC (Events Industry Council)
  6. SACEOS (Singapore Association of Convention & Exhibition Organisers & Suppliers)
  7. EEIA (European Exhibition Industry Alliance)
  8. AEO (Association of Event Organisers)
  9. AEFI (Italian Exhibition and Trade Fair Association)
  10. IFES (International Federation of Exhibition & Event Services)
  11. UBRAFE, representing Brazil
  12. Polska Izba Przemysłu Targowego, representing Poland
  13. UNIMEV, French Meeting Industry Council
  14. EXSA (Exhibition and Events Association of South Africa
  15. AFE, Spanish Trade Fairs Association
  16. AMPROFEC, representing Mexico
  17. Japan Exhibition Association

The major point of discussion was about the actions which are being taken by these associations, relevant government bodies, venues, organisers and the service providers to reduce Carbon emissions and adopting Sustainable methods of operations. Another target of these discussions was collaborative learning – knowing what other associations / countries are doing best and learning from them leading to the development of a platform where related ideas can be shared.

Most associations focussed towards adopting a step-by-step approach, and setting a deadline to achieve NZCE. AUMA said they had adopted a 9 step approach to become carbon neutral by 2040 whereas AFECA mentioned that one of the major agendas for “Bangkok declaration 2023” which was adopted at the recently concluded AGM was “Sustainability”. The target adopted by SACEOS was 2050. SACEOS has also targeted to be the “Asia’s Leading Sustainable MICE Destination by 2030” for which they have adopted an aggressive roadmap which includes “Certification Programs”. The Japan Exhibition Association talked about the cost implications because of switching to Sustainable ways, and the need for Organisers and Exhibitors to consider this additional cost.

The need of Governmental and Policy support also came out as one of the key areas as all countries are not at par in this field. While some countries have established means of supporting local bodies by sharing knowledge, others are still catching up. The detailed interviews and discussions can be found at IELA’s social media channels.