The minister of state for textiles Ajay Tamta categorically stated the textile & handicrafts sector is economically important from the point of low capital investment, high ratio of value addition, and high potential for export and foreign exchange earnings for the country, at an ASSOCHAM event held in New Delhi.

Indian textile & Handicrafts industry constitutes an important segment of the Indian economy as it is one of the largest employment generators after agriculture. The sector employs about 7 million people directly and indirectly, which include a large number of women and people belonging to the weaker sections of the society, said Mr. Tamta, Minister of State for Textiles while inaugurating an ASSOCHAM National Conference on Women in Textiles & Handicrafts Industry: Weaving the Threads of Livelihood at New Delhi.Handlooms & Handicraft and women, both the terms have their individual identity and the fruitful amalgamation of both gives them a more meaningful identity. These industries are a major source of income for rural communities in general and for rural women in particular. Though a large number of female workforce, both urban and tribal, from all sections of the society are involved in appropriate returns for their efforts, said Mr. Tamta. The joint study released by ASSOCHAM – Resurgent on ‘Women in Textiles & Handicrafts Industry’ reveals that the market size of India’s textile market is expected to touch $250 billion in the next two years from the current level of $150 billion.
The textile sector in India accounts for 10% of the country’s manufacturing production, 5% of India’s GDP, and 13% of India’s exports earnings. Textile and apparel sector is the second largest employment provider in the country employing nearly 51 million people directly and 68 million people indirectly in 2015-16, adds the study.

Demonetisation and the transition to GST have hit smaller players hard. The number of workers affected due to closure of cotton and man-made fibre textile units (the bigger units that comprise the non-SSI segment of the industry) during 2016-17 was 4,356 on account of the closure of 18 units, according to official Textile Ministry data on non-SSI units. The GST rollout has further hit SME players in textile hubs such as Surat, Bhiwadi and I chalkaranji. Capital goods firms are struggling as most of the downstream sectors are saddled with excess capacity and low demand.

It is estimated that out of the total number of persons employed in Handlooms, Handicrafts, and Sericulture, about 50% are women. There are more women in the household industry than in the registered small scale or cottage units. However, in the organised sector the percentage of women workers is extremely low, with the exception being garmenting.


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