ISGW 2018 in its 4th Edition at New Delhi


INDIA SMART GRID WEEK (ISGW 2018) is the fourth edition of the Conference and Exhibition on Smart Energy and Smart Cities, organized by India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF) scheduled from 05 – 09 March 2018, New Delhi, India. ISGW 2018 is supported by Government of India. ISGW 2018 will bring together India’s leading Electricity, Gas and Water Utilities, Policy Makers, Regulators, Investors and world’s top-notch Smart Energy Experts and Researchers to discuss trends, share best practices and showcase next generation technologies and products in smart energy and smart cities domains. ISGW 2018 will include plenary, interactive workshops, keynotes, and technical sessions. Several Internationally renowned organisations such as Korea Smart Grid Association, Global Smart Grid Federation, NEDO – Japan, U.S Commercial Services (USA), IEC, CIGRE, IEEE, Indo-German Energy Forum, Think Smart Grid France, Japan Smart Community Alliance, TIE- Delhi, Skill India, TERI, BEE, India Energy Storage Alliance, etc. have already confirmed their support to the event.
Experts from India and around the world will share best practices on Smart Energy, Smart Cities, and Advanced Solutions for Grid Modernization, Rollout plan for Smart Meters, Electric Mobility, Disruptive Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robotics Technology Trends and Renewable Energy Integration.


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