Lets Care – An Initiative for the workers community

  • An appeal to our industry to support our on-ground activists
  • Invites industry crusaders to join the campaign

Exhibition Showcase has launched ‘Lets Care’ campaign to raise funds for the poorest of the poor of our industry and also in general. The campaign is primarily launched to promote the good work of our industry crusaders (on-ground activists) who have been working diligently for the poor people.

Currently the industry crusaders who are a part of this campaign are:

  • Krunal Goda (Plastics Export Promo Council): +91 9004005520
  • Rajeev Chawla (Super Sikh Foundation): +91 9953326596

As we all are aware that despite best efforts of the government, a large number of poor people are not even able to get two full meals in a day. It is therefore, more than anything, our appeal on humanitarian grounds to our industry professionals, leaders and colleagues to come forward and support our on-ground activists in feeding the poor people. Even if many of us have donated elsewhere; towards government schemes or other places, our industry must come forward to support these on-ground activists because India is a very large country & none of our brethren should sleep hungry. Let us all come forward and support these activists with whatever best we can because no good deed ever goes waste, however small it may be. And we must remember well that it is these worker class people who build our events!


Talking to Exhibition Showcase, Krunal said, “Till date we have served over 1200 people directly door to door and over 600 people indirectly with the help of other Association and Sangh. We provide all with Basic Food That shall suffice their needs for 1 week for daily 2 times meal and it includes: Rice, Dal, Atta, Salt, oil, sugar. We have also helped people in arranging medicines and seeking approvals from Collector for travelling permission in Medical Emergencies.”


Earlier, in another noble initiative, many members of the Trade Show Professionals group had come forward and raise approx. Rs. 1.05 lacs for supporting Krunal’s momentum of serving the poor at and around NESCO grounds in Mumbai.

Uma Menon has also raised a substantial amount from the community but told us that unfortunately our industry and industry leaders have not come forward despite many requests to support. Till date, she has only been able to raise Rs. 5000 from exhibition industry, with this whole amount coming from one industry leader.


Talking to Exhibition Showcase, Rajeev Chawla, Lets Care crusader said, “ I have been part of the exhibition since 2007. I was head of Marketing for Reed Exhibitions and then went on to set-up the exhibitions business for Images. Now for last over 4 years have been in the space of IP Creation and we manage a Foundation called Super Sikh Foundation which is committed to Humanitarian initiatives across the country. We primarily assist the most vulnerable communities and marginalised segments of the society. In Delhi with the support of Volunteers and working along with the local authorities we reach out to settlements and provide Dry Ration for the families. In Bombay with the support of volunteers, partners and friends we have identified Grocery Stores who operate as Hubs for us and we direct the needy families to collect dry ration from these stores whom we pay directly through digital payments. In addition to dry ration and facilitating dry ration we also work with our corporate partners to make packaged drinking water, sanitisers and masks available for these families.” Rajeev’s FB page is https://www.facebook.com/SuperSikhFoundation/

Click here to view the details of Rajeev’s work: SSF_CoVid_Relief -3_compressed

All these activists are personally endorsed by Exhibition Showcase. They have been in the industry since long and their credibility should not be doubted. Your money will go to the deserving hands, as our activists are themselves working on-ground to distribute food and ration to the poor & needy.

Exhibition Showcase will be happy to tag all distribution efforts done by our activists through the funds received by industry on its official Facebook page, if requested.

Our crusaders current range of activities are focused around Delhi & Mumbai. If anyone wishes to volunteer or anyone from our industry is doing similar work in other cities then please contact us immediately at raghav@exhibitionshowcase.com as we would be happy to enlist you in our activists list and propagate your cause. We appeal to our industry leaders and professionals to get in touch with our activists directly and support them with whatever best that you can.

Let us come forward to serve the poor and needy. Let us show that we care for those worker level people who are the very backbone of our industry. Let us care. #Letscare

Hands of the poor