Menstrual Awareness Conclave held in Delhi


Despite the advent of new technology, menstrual hygiene remains a neglected subject in India, only 18 percent of women use sanitary napkins. The remaining — a staggering 82 percent — resort to using unhygienic, unsafe options, such as cloth, hay and even ash. The results are countless cases of urinary and reproductive tract infections, a culture of shame, and many lives put in danger. To mark International Menstrual Hygiene Day on 28 May 2018, the first ever Menstrual Awareness Conclave was organised by Niine Movement in Delhi. It involved discussions about periods in the Indian context and how the stigma surrounding it affects the everyday lives of women, as well as try to arrive at sustainable solutions. Padman star Akshay Kumar was the chief guest of this event. A panel in which Muttreja was in conversation with Shabana Azmi, Meenakshi Lekhi, and Nishtha Satyam,  discussed the origins of the stigma surrounding menstruation and the impact it has on women. Another panel, chaired and moderated by Shivani Wazir Pasrich, Regional Coordinator, India of the Royal Commonwealth Society, discussed the safety and security of female students once they reach puberty in the school environment.


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