The Executive Secretary of the National Institute for Tourism Promotion (INPROTUR), Ricardo Sosa, met with representatives of the Economic Observatory for Meetings Tourism that make up INPROTUR, the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and the Argentine Association of Organizers and Suppliers of Exhibitions, Congresses, Events and Convention Bureaus (AOCA) to determine interesting methodological changes in the statistical validation of meeting tourism events throughout the country, which will benefit the provinces that make up the so-called “Country Team” and that frequently collaborate measurement and economic impact of congresses, conventions and fairs.

During the meeting, a series of proposals for methodological changes were presented based on the analysis of the work carried out during the last time with suggestions, contributions made by the provinces and the ordering based on international trends regarding the measurement and validation of events of meetings.

Improvements were established in the classification of meetings according to category, in the characterization according to the type of meeting and type of rotation, new definition of meetings under the scope of the Observatory in terms of duration, number of attendees and percentage of visitors, new methodology of load and requirements for the validation of events, the training calendar on these topics was established starting in May 2021 in virtual format and then the start of face-to-face Regional Meetings in all regions of the country.