Michael Duck, President, UFI The Global Association Of Exhibition Industry


ES. What is your vision for your tenure as UFI President?

Michael Duck. My vision is to get our industry back to normal. This is not a time to be crystal gazing but working with industry partners to be looking to get back to at least 2019 levels.

ES. What are your plans for the year 2023?

Michael Duck. I am attending as many global UFI and industry meetings as possible. So as to drum up continued support of our amazing industry.

ES. Could you tell us about the current state of trade shows in South East Asian region?

Michael Duck. In ASEAN the situation has been very encouraging these last 6 months as each marketplace has full governmental and industry support to use Trade Fairs as the most effective marketing tool .

ES. What do you see as the greatest challenge facing the exhibition industry today? What steps should the industry take to face this challenge?

Michael Duck. Talent retention and training is clearly globally the most challenging issue facing us all. In the beginning of the of the Covid time all countries put in place either furlough schemes or the release of staff.

These valuable assets have in many cases found new jobs in new industries, As we reopen we need to retrain across all our sectors.

ES. What trends do you see shaping up in the Exhibition industry?

Michael Duck. I see no new trends from what we had before. We need to retrain, revitalise and renew our efforts across our industry.

ES. How optimistic are you about the industry’s ability to attract new people to a career in exhibitions?

Michael Duck. I am very optimistic as always !I would not be President of UFI unless I was !! We have to restart marketing our industry once again to those considering a career in Trade Shows.

ES. What is your expaectation from UFI Asia-Pacific Conference 2023? What will be the highlights of this edition?

Michael Duck. I expect a lot of re kindling of relationships between companies in the region and internationally . Many of us have not met each other for 3+ years. So it will be a happy and fun occasion!

ES. What were the highlights of recently concluded UFI’s Global CEO Summit 2023

Michael Duck. The highlights in Lisbon; were staying in a wonderful old Hotel in the centre of beautiful Lisbon. Having a dinner in the old Royal Palace in Lisbon. That was a real treat for all of us. The food and the intimate nature of the event with old friends meeting and new friends being made.