Ministry of Tourism invites feedback on the draft National Strategy and Roadmap for promotion of MICE Industry in India


Suggestions may be forwarded to the Ministry on or before 30th June, 2021

MICE is one of the important segments of business tourism, which also overlaps with leisure tourism. It is one of the fast-growing segments and brings several advantages to the country. Despite having huge potential, India’s position is relatively low with just about 1% of global MICE business. On the other hand, India has a huge outbound MICE market and growing significantly.

Ministry of Tourism has recognized the immense potential of MICE and has been actively working on promotion and development of this niche area of tourism. The Ministry of Tourism had accordingly formulated a Draft National Strategy and Roadmap for Promotion of MICE Industry in India, which can be accessed from the following link also available on Ministry of Tourism’s website under “what’s new” section.

Before proceeding to finalize the draft strategy document and to make the document more comprehensive, Ministry of Tourism has invited feedback/comments/suggestions on the draft National Strategy and Roadmap. The comments may be forwarded to the Ministry of Tourism on or before 30th June, 2021 at e-mail IDs :,,