New Chairman for India ITME SOCIETY


Mr. S. Hari Shankar has been elected as the Chairman of India International Textile Machinery Exhibitions  Society (India ITME Society) for 2017 – 2019.

 He is an alumni of PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF TEXTILES & SCIENCES, USA.   Apart from being an enthusiastic athlete, he is also an avid  and well-known wildlife  photographer.

 He  is the Joint Managing Director of Lakshmi Card Clothing Mfg. Co. Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.   LCC  is a global leader in providing complete card room solutions.

He is also on the Board of Directors of M/s. PrathishtaWvg. & Knitting Co. Ltd., Coimbatore and Governing Council member  of The Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Coimbatore.

 He  is active in many associations and  is on the Board of  Executive Council  of Textile Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (India) (TMMA) since 2001 and also held the position of Chairman of TMMA from 2011-2013.  He was part of India ITME Society since 2001 and held the  position of Hon. Treasurer   from  2013 – 2017.

Mr. Hari Shankar was  elected as Chairman of India ITME Society in the  AGM held on 22nd Sept. 2017 in Mumbai. The Vice Chairmen elected  are Mr. Mehul Trivedi ( The Indian Card Clothing Co. Ltd).  Mr.Kaizar Z.  Mahuwala ( Gurjar Gravures Pvt. Ltd),  Mr. Sanjay K. Jain (Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI),  Mr. Arvind Sinha (The Textile Association(India),    Smt.  Surina Rajan, IAS (Bureau of Indian Standards), Govt. of India. Mr. Ketan Sanghvi (Laxmi Shuttleless Looms Pvt. Ltd) has been  elected as  Hon. Treasurer.

India ITME Society acknowledged and appreciated the valuable contributions of  immediate past Chairman  Mr.  Sanjiv  Lathia (Lathia Rubber Mfg. Co. Ltd) 2013-2017  and thanked  him for the same.

About “India ITME Society

India International Textile Machinery Exhibitions Society (India ITME Society) is a non profit apex industry body established in 1980 to support and serve the Textile Engineering Industry through exhibitions, Events, Trade Promotion Services, Education Scholarships, Student Placements, and Consultancy etc.  India ITME Society plays a pivotal role in strengthening the domestic as well as international Textile Industry by facilitating exchange of knowledge, technology transfer & encourages Foreign Direct Investments & Joint Ventures etc.India ITME Society has been successfully serving the Industry for 34 years now and hosts 2 Mega International Textile Technology events in India addressing different aspects of industry requirements and focusing on future technology. I.e. India ITME ( & Global Textile Technology Engineering Show (GTTES)


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