New Delhi To Host dti ’19, Platform For Dairy & Beverages, From Dec 12


The 2019 essay of drink technology India (dti), India’s biggest exposition dedicated to the dairy, liquid food and beverage industries, is slated to take place at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi between December 12 and 14, 2019. The fair is expected to be the gateway to business opportunities and technological innovations.After a tremendous response for their 2017 edition, which took place in the capital, show organisers are already receiving a great response from the industry for their upcoming edition.Bhupinder Singh, chief executive officer, Messe Muenchen India, commented on the pre-registrations for drink technology India 2019. He said, “The response we have received so far from exhibitors have superseded expectations.”“Over 90 per cent of the exhibition space was already booked by early-September. The list of international as well as national exhibitors wanting to be a part of the trade show has seen a rapid upsurge since the last edition of the show,” Singh added.drink technology India exhibits all aspects of the beverage, dairy and liquid food industry – from filling plants, innovative beverage additives, latest beer variations and various dairy products to innovative packaging concepts.


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