NürnbergMesse launches wildlife.fair, a new exhibition and congress for nature and hunting enthusiasts

  • High-quality consumer event scheduled for 9-12 April 2022 will
    bolster environmental and nature protection
  • Accompanying congress with change of theme each year will
    communicate knowledge about hunting and wildlife habitats
  • Bavarian Hunting Association (Bayerischer Jagdverband, BJV) is
    honorary partner of the show and organizer of the congress

The innovative idea behind wildlife.fair is to provide an inspiring
atmosphere, premium products and plenty of enthusiasm for nature
in a state-of-the-art setting. The new show for consumers with a
passion for nature and hunting will be held for the first time at the
Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 9 to 12 April 2022. ‘Worlds of
experience’ in the state-of-the-art exhibition halls will encourage
participants to learn and try things out for themselves. The Traders’
Hall, with a rich mix of both leading brands and newcomers, promises
a fascinating shopping experience. The high point of the event is a
congress for stakeholders and ambitious nature and hunting

The organizer of the congress is the Bavarian Hunting
Association, organizer of the public show is NürnbergMesse.
Peter Ottmann, CEO NürnbergMesse, is very pleased with the latest
addition to the #NMfamily: “Each year, wildlife.fair will bring together
the passion and enthusiasm of a consumer show and the extensive
expertise and industry knowledge represented by
IWA OutdoorClassics, the long-standing, Nuremberg-based leading
trade fair for outdoor activities.” His fellow CEO Dr Roland Fleck sees
this as the genesis of a new trio: “IWA, wildlife.fair and the HUBANA
Jagderlebnistage (Hunting Experience Days) at Schloss Lembeck will
form a strong trio in the NürnbergMesse portfolio for hunting, outdoor
and nature enthusiasts as well as industry experts.”

Ernst Weidenbusch, president of the Bavarian Hunting Association, adds:
“In addition to inspiration and innovations, our interest with the new
wildlife.fair also lies in sharing knowledge and discussing our interest in
protecting nature and the environment, especially the wildlife, with players
from the worlds of politics, science and society in general. The congress
therefore invites everyone who feels it is their duty to act responsibly toward
wildlife habitats and protect nature and the environment. We intend
wildlife.fair in Nuremberg to become a state-of-the-art and lively meeting
place for nature and wildlife enthusiasts.”

wildlife.fair: Experience, test, take away
At the heart of the wildlife.fair is a completely new show concept that
combines experience, shopping and information and is unique in this form.
In specially created ‘worlds of experience’, visitors can obtain in-depth
information on specific topics and extensively test suitable products.
A further state-of-the-art exhibition hall focuses on the shopping
experience. Anna-Catherina Heller, Director wildlife.fair at NürnbergMesse,
explains: “Because it is scheduled a good month after the leading trade fair
IWA OutdoorClassics and at the start of the outdoor season, wildlife.fair is
ideal for making new products accessible to the wider public for the first
time. The high-quality configuration of the fair, the exclusive product range
and the unique accompanying congress will make this event a magnet for
hunting and nature enthusiasts.”

wildlife.fair congress: Preserving wildlife habitats
With the accompanying congress, the wildlife.fair has a highlight that is
unparalleled in the industry. For the first time, a cross-border congress
covers the topics of wildlife, environment and nature and creates a dialog
platform for all stakeholders. The congress will focus on a different theme
every year, and will be aimed at representatives from the worlds of science
and politics, in addition to opinion leaders and practitioners in the fields of
hunting, nature and the environment. The overarching goal of the congress
is to communicate knowledge about hunting and wildlife habitats in the
context of nature and environmental protection. As organizer, the
Bayerischer Jagdverband e.V. is responsible for the subject matter at the
congress in cooperation with the Bavarian Academy for Hunting and
Nature, while NürnbergMesse is responsible for the organizational

wildlife.fair, the event for hunting and nature, will be held at the Exhibition
Center Nuremberg from 09 to 12 April 2022.