PM Modi Addresses The Nation On COVID-19


Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address to the nation on novel coronavirus comes at a time when the disease has claimed four lives in India and has infected over 180 people across the country. While India has implemented steep measures to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus, (Covid-19) PM Modi has urged the public to remain calm and practice all directives being issued by the government, including social distancing and good hygiene. PM Modi further said that as Navratri festival of Shakti is coming in a few days, India should move ahead with full force. I am making 9 requests for these 9 days.

1. Do not be complacent about Covid19. Do not get swayed by numbers. Unless we are really careful it will go up.. I need the next few weeks of your time, cooperation, and discipline.
2. Do not treat social distancing lightly. Please do not step out. Stepping out not only risks you, you are also putting pressure on the system. There are people who need to be out, so don’t make it worse for them also.
3. People over 65 at no cost to step out of their homes.
4. On March 22, Sunday, please follow a self imposed Janta curfew. Please do not step out of your house (even to the common area of your society) from 7am to 9pm. Let us show remarkable restraint.
5. At 5 pm on that day pls clap from your windows and appreciate people who have been working relentlessly during tough times (like medical care professionals, services, delivery etc)
6. Do not hoard, we will ensure necessities are in place like food and water.
7. Do not cut salaries of people missing work due to outbreak.
8. Do not worry about funding and economy for now. Let’s first fight health crisis. We are setting up task forces to bring economy back in place – (economic response taskforce)
9. Priority is now Corona fight. Humanity has to win. Nothing else.