Postponement Announcement- 10th IEIA Open Seminar


The ongoing unprecedented threat caused by COVID 19, which has now been announced as a ‘Pandemic’ by the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.), has posed multitude of challenges to the business ecosystem across the globe. While the world is bracing to face these challenges and prepare for alternate solutions, ‘precautions’ & ‘safety’ stand as the most important concern for all of us. Considering the tentative timelines for the containment of COVID-19, the Indian Exhibition Industry Association (IEIA) announces the postponement of its annual international flagship event- the ‘ 10th IEIA Open Seminar’, which was scheduled to be held from May 21 to 23, 2020 at BIEC, Bengaluru. The Organising Committee of the IEIA Open Seminar has been closely monitoring the developments both at the national and international front. Basis the discussions held with our stakeholders, as well as keeping in line with the directives coming in from the Govt of India, we take the ‘safety element’ as our foremost priority and go ahead with the decision of postponement of our flagship event counting on the wholehearted support of all our stakeholders.