Postponement of InfoComm India 2020


– In response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, InfoComm India 2020 – a premier
showcase of Professional AudioVisual and Integrated Experience technologies – will be postponed from 2-4 September 2020 to 19-21 November 2020.
In line with the World Health Organization’s guidance that mass event organizers conduct risk assessments before proceeding, InfoCommAsia, which has organized InfoComm India since 2013, is postponing the event in an effort to provide a safer environment for its partners and visitors. InfoCommAsia also strongly supports the Indian government’s efforts to curb the spread of the disease. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi had limited the movements of the country’s 1.3 billion people from 25 March 2020, and these measures were extended for two weeks from 4 May. Said Richard Tan, Executive Director of InfoCommAsia Pte Ltd, “The global COVID-19 situation is an unpredictable and fast-changing one. In the midst of uncertainty, and as the world’s resources are
focused on COVID-19, postponing InfoComm India is the most prudent course of action which would enable us to de-risk and hopefully provide the meaningful experience that our partners and visitors expect and deserve, in a safe environment.”
InfoComm India 2020 will run from 19-21 November 2020 at the original slated venue – Hall 1 of the Bombay Exhibition Center.