REFCOLD INDIA- Oct 29-31, 2020


International Exhibition and Conference on Cold Chain, Industrial Refrigeration & Reefer Transportation

The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), was founded in 1981 at New Delhi by a group of eminent HVAC&R professionals. ISHRAE today has more than 28,780 HVAC&R professionals and Student-members. ISHRAE operates from 41 Chapters and sub Chapters spread all over India, with HQ in Delhi. It is led by a team of elected officers, who are members of the Society, working on a voluntary basis, and collectively called the Board of Governors.

India Expo Centre and Mart is spread Over 58 acres of Land and has a unique combination of Trade Mart with Exhibition & Convention Facilities, Lawn, Business Centre, Restaurants, Transportation facilities, and sufficient Parking Area For Over 4,000 cars and 30 Buses/Trucks inside the complex. It is well Linked to the main Ring Road of Delhi through an 8-lane expressway. This state -of-the-art multi-functional venue with a rare combination of technology merged with world-class facilities and safety standards is suitable for hosting international business-to business exhibitor, conferences, congresses, product launches, promotional events.