Singapore Airshow 2020 opens with additional measures to safeguard well-being and safety of attendees


In response to the Ministry of Health’s announcement to raise Singapore’s Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) to Orange, Experia Events, organiser of the Singapore Airshow 2020, announced seat tagging for seated events at the Singapore Airshow 2020 from 11 – 16 February 2020, at the Changi Exhibition Centre.

At DORSCON Yellow, Experia Events is already prepared with enhanced cleaning and refuse management to maintain high standards of hygiene and cleanliness, hand sanitisers for attendees, deployment of a team of doctors and medics to attend to visitors who are feeling unwell and mandatory temperature screenings at access points at Singapore Expo and CEC.

Mr Leck Chet Lam, Managing Director of Experia Events said: “Since the outbreak of 2019-nCoV, the Singapore government is already working with various stakeholders such as airports, hotels, business events community and attractions to ensure that there are protocols and processes to step up vigilance and cleaning and sanitisation regimens. At DORSCON Yellow, Experia Events is already implementing many of the measures required in DORSCON Orange. Stepping up with seat tagging will support the government’s overall contact tracing process, for the well-being and safety of all attendees at the Singapore Airshow 2020.”

Mr Andrew Phua, Director, Exhibitions and Conferences, Singapore Tourism Board (STB), said: “STB is working closely with Experia Events and other government agencies to provide continued support to the Singapore Airshow 2020, in light of the current DORSCON Orange. We encourage delegates and exhibitors to look out for one another, remain vigilant, adopt good personal hygiene practices and monitor their health closely. The safety of locals, visitors and our industry partners is our top priority.”