Special Message By ITPO CMD On Recent Incidents


Amidst reports of some ITPO officials being involved in fraudulent activities related to AAHAR Expo bookings, and CBI action thereupon, ITPO CMD, Mr. LC Goyal expresses his thoughts in the message below:

Nearly three years ago, I had introduced online booking of space for
events being held by ITPO primarily to eliminate chances of rent-seeking
and underhand dealings. I have also been telling all the stakeholders to
bring to my notice instances, if any, of rent-seeking by the officials of ITPO
or inform the law enforcement agencies. This has been the outcome of
such an approach.

I am happy with the action taken by the CBI. And I have told them
to look at all those who are seemingly involved in this episode along with
the employees of the private vendor who is operating the online system.

At times, you come across such elements who succeed in gaming
the system. ITPO will deal with such elements most firmly.

I have also constituted a Committee in-house to go into all aspects
of the matter and also revisit the software so that such instances do not
occur again.

LC. Goyal