UBM – Informa walks the distance for a good cause, Raises INR 2,018,500 for Samarthanam Trust


Mumbai, March 25th 2019: UBM-Informa, a leading B2B information services group and the largest B2B event’s organiser globally, witnessed its first Walkathon in India – Walk the World 2019 as a fund raising activity. The organisation’s flagship annual charity event was held at the stretch of South Mumbai’s – Queen’s Necklace at Marine Drive on 20th March 2019, Mumbai.

The walkathon was a successful experience that witnessed 83% participation from team members in UBM-Informa covering an aggregate distance of 2200 Kms to support and raise funds for the education of the beneficiaries of NGO – Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled. Similar walks simultaneously took place in Delhi, Chennai and Bengaluru.

Each year, Walk the World encourages, and involves colleagues from every Informa office around the globe to participate in a walkathon in an iconic part of their city to raise funds for a charity of their choice. With participation from offices in more than 20 countries across the globe, Walk the World (WTW) covered more than the length of the earth’s equator and walked an aggregate of 60,000 kms, i.e (the actual length is 40,075 kms). Globally, the locations for the venue of the walkathons varied from the Central Park in New York City, to the River Thames in London and the Great Wall of China in Beijing.

Speaking on the maiden Walk The World in India post the merger of UBM-INFORMA, Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, UBM India, said “As a team of 200 plus, we are extremely proud to have completed our first walkathon which witnessed a 100 percent participation with so much dynamism and high spiritedness while supporting a noble cause.  Through this large-scale outdoor fund raising activity – Walk The World, we raised an amount of INR 2,018,500 in order to aid the youth who are a part of the NGO Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled. The funds will be utilised for their further education and  to create opportunities for them to keep pace with the rest of the society. ”

The best WTW campaign will be judged and invited to walk at the London Walk in June 2019. Last year, over 96 percent participants including team members, celebrities, select clients and vendors thoroughly enjoyed WTW and felt proud to be a part of it.



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